信用卡, PayPal, 銀行轉帳, 轉數快, Payme, 支付寶, 微信支付 (門市接受現金)
1. PayPal / Visa / Master
Please follow the payment guideline when checkout.
2. 以銀行轉帳/轉數快(FPS)付款
步驟一 :
填寫完成 Shipping Details(送貨細節) 和 Delivery Method (取貨方式)後,請在 Payment 中選取 “Manual Payment”
Step 1 : After finish the "Shipping Details" and Chose you "Delivery Method", Please Choose the choice of "Manual Payment" in the Payment Section.

步驟二 :
轉帳到銀行戶口 (HSBC: 411 689 987 838 Big Panda Limited) / 轉數快 (FPS ID: 167189976)
步驟三 :
提供入數紙副本/付款證明到 csbigpanda@gmail.com,
Step 2: Transfer the total amount to ( HSBC: 411 689 987 838 Big Panda Limited ) / FPS ID: 167189976
Step 3: Email the bank receipt copy/screen capture to csbigpanda@gmail.com, together with your order ID, name and phone number.
** If the payment is not completed within 24 hours, order will be cancelled.
3. 支付寶香港 /微信支付香港 Alipay HK /Wechat Pay HK
步驟一 :
填寫完成 Shipping Details(送貨細節) 和 Delivery Method (取貨方式)後,請在 Payment 中選取 “Manual Payment”
Step 1 : After finished the "Shipping Details" and chose "Delivery Method", Please select "Manual Payment" in the Payment Section.

步驟二 :
掃描圖中的QR Code

步驟三 :
**如未有輸入資料, 同事可能需要更多時間核對相應訂單及款項, 有機會延遲發貨!
步驟五:按 "立即付款"
* 若未能於24小時內完成付款程序,訂單將會被取消。
Step 2: Scan the below QR code
Step 3: Enter your payment amount
Step4: Enter your order ID in remark
**You can find the order ID in the order confirmation email
**Payments without order ID may cost us more time to confirm with the according order. In this case, please be aware that delivery arrangement may be delayed.
Step 5: Press "Pay Now"
** If the payment is not completed within 24 hours, order will be cancelled.
4. PayMe
步驟一 : 填寫 送貨細節 和 取貨方式 後,請在 Payment 中選取 “Manual Payment”
Step 1 : Choose "Manual Payment" in the Payment Section.
步驟二 : 掃描圖中的QR Code
Step 2: Scan the below QR code.
步驟三 :
輸入訂單金額,於"輸入您的訊息"輸入訂單號碼,然後按 "向商店付款"
提供入數紙副本/屏幕截圖到 csbigpanda@gmail.com,並於電郵內註明訂單號碼、顧客名稱及聯絡電話。
Step 3: Input your payment amount AND enter your 5 digit ID (in the order confirmation email ) in the remark. Then, press "Pay Now"
Email the bank receipt copy/ screen capture to csbigpanda@gmail.com, together with your order ID, name and phone number.

郵政掛號 HK$ 20 (滿$400 免運費)
順豐速遞 HK$ 30 (滿$500 免運費)
US, UK, AU: Standard Air Shipping HK$59 (滿 $1000 免運費)
Rest of the world: Standard Air Shipping HK$39(滿 $1000 免運費)
地址 : 觀塘巧明街95號世達中心12樓E室
電話 : 27636337
辦公時間 :
星期一至四: 11:00AM - 07:00PM
星期五: 11:00AM - 08:00PM
星期六: 01:00PM - 05:00PM
Local Post
$20 charge for registered mail(Free shipping for $400 or above)
$30 charge for SF Express(Free shipping for $600 or above)
Interational shipping
US, UK, AU: Standard Air Shipping HK$59 (Free shipping for $1000 or above)
Rest of the world: Standard Air Shipping HK$39(Free shipping for $1000 or above)
Self-pickup in Kwun Tong Showroom
Address: Flat H, 12/F, World Tech Centre, 95 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Contact: (852) 27636337
Opening Hour
Monday to Thursday: 11:00AM - 07:00PM
Friday: 11:00AM - 08:00PM
Saturday: 01:00PM - 05:00PM
Sunday & Public Holiday: CLOSED