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時至今日,我們的產品範疇已由精品擴展至電子產品、時尚包袋、生活家品等。在香港市場十多年的時間,我們豐富的採購經驗、對香港人口味的了解、和各大百貨公司的友好關係,都是我們獨特的優勢。現時,大部分由大熊貓引入的海外品牌已在香港各大百貨公司上架。我們的合作伙伴有Log On,AEON,先施,千色店,YATA等,也包括澳門的新八佰伴。除了線下門市 ,我們也有於網上平台銷售,如HKTV mall,Zalora及Zecoo。我們已覆蓋全港接近80%的銷售渠道,務求令更多海外品牌能進軍香港市場,也方便香港人輕鬆地接觸各類產品!


The start of Big Panda Co., Ltd., along with the founder's love of photography, took the opportunity to import Korean-made photographic accessories, to know the needs of Hong Kong consumers for quality living products. The founders began to visit worldwide to find the high quality and novel items which suitable for the Hong Kong market. 

Our product category has also gradually expanded from lifestyle products to electronic products, fashion accessories, household items and more. With our ten years of unique purchasing experience and sense for the Hong Kong market, also with our good relationships of major department stores in Hong Kong, most of the brands introduced by Big Panda Limited could sell at the most popular department store in Hong Kong. Our major customer including Logon, AEON, New Yaohan, HKTVmall, Zalora, LCX, etc., covering more than 80% of sales channels in Hong Kong !

Anello 官網
Anello 官網
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